Old Town Clocktower
Time from Hotel: 6 minutes
Distance from Hotel: 2 Km
The clock was placed at Akronafplia in one of the most beautiful spots above the Old Town in the time of Otto, under the leadership of the physician Epaminondas Kotsonopoulos (1866-1878 and 1883-1890). The watch came from Bavaria with the donation of Ludwig I of Otto`s father. During the occupation, the Germans had decided to blow it up, but the reaction from the Greeks was fierce. The then city lords, along with secretary Emmanuel Terzakis, had been able to postpone its destruction for a month. Unfortunately, on May 3, 1944, it was blown up. The watch reopened on September 14, 1949, at 5 pm. The city`s tourism commission arranged for its reconstruction, using the clock mechanism, which had been saved and kept at the Town Hall.