Pyramid of Elliniko
Time from Hotel: 24 minutes
Distance from Hotel: 19 Km

The Pyramid of Elliniko in Argolis is located on a small hill in the village of Elliniko, near the fountains of Erasinos and about 9 kilometers southwest of Argos.

The Pyramid of Elliniko (also known as the Pyramid of Kechri), considered the best-preserved pyramid building of the 26 found in Greece, is made of hard, gray limestone in the area.

The main entrance of the monument is on the east side of the monument, that is, the side facing the sea of #8203#8203the Argolic Gulf.

There are many contradictory views on the date of construction of this particular monument, but the dates suggested by various bodies date back to 2700 BC. around the end of the 4th century BC

Pausanias (2nd century AD) also makes a possible reference to the Greek Pyramid, although it has not been clarified whether this is the particular or neighboring Pyramid of Lygouri.

Concerning the use and operation of the Hellenic Pyramid, there have also been conflicting views. Some say it was a fortress for controlling road axes, some refer to a burial monument, others speak of its use as a defense tower or fracture tower (for communication via torches/furrows), while others believe it was used as an altar.

The Pyramid of Elliniko is built on the road that in ancient times connected Argos with Tegea Arcadia.

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