Kapodistrias House
Time from Hotel: 1 minutes

The building, then owned by Alexander Kolokouvaros, was repaired and handed over to Governor I. Kapodistrias in November 1829. It is a two-storey mansion facing the harbor, with interesting architectural elements inside.

One of nature`s preserved monuments no longer exists or maybe there is only one part of its trunk. It is the Anaplian tree, the palm tree planted in accordance with the legend Ioannis Kapodistrias symbolically the year the Greek state was created, similar to with the palm that is born from his ashes.

The tree was opposite the Five Brothers in the villa Amymoni, which once belonged to the poet Theodoros Kostouros.

As the archaeologist Christos Pieteros says in the 2009 Nafpliacal Annals, the tree was cut in two on the night of December 13, 2008. The first wound on its trunk had been opened in 1941, during the German Stuka bombing. An iron that was thrown by a sinking ship injured it … The tree could not withstand the storm of 2008, fell to its wound, and fell on the road.

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